Daily Archives: July 25, 2014

Dental Lasers: It’s All About Patient Experience

Dr. Mark Mizner Using Solea

Written by Dr. Mark Mizner, DMD

It’s as simple as this: excellent patient experiences foster long-lasting, profitable patient relationships. For years now, lasers, specifically hard tissue lasers, have been touted as a tool which can dramatically change the patient experience by taking the noise, vibration and needle out of the equation. Over the past 20 years, I demoed all of them and never saw the point. They were slow, imprecise and you still had to numb the patient. Then I saw Solea, the new 9.3 micron CO2 laser that just hit the market. I knew it was different. I bought it and now with hundreds of anesthesia-free procedures and hours of time saved, I can say that Solea absolutely delivers on what we have all been hoping for… a new pain-free, fear-free patient experience.

Dr. Mark Mizner Using Solea